
Please come and visit us in our new suite! It is accessible from the parking lot and has Handicapped Parking just outside the door!

Services & Pricing

A Holistic Physical Therapist understands that there are many components to overcoming pain and dysfunction. So to that end, I work on the whole body to achieve the best balance possible. This may embrace a variety of treatments including education, muscle balancing through exercise and movement therapy and myofascial work. Kinesiotaping and orthotics - over the counter and casted are available.

Holistic Physical Therapy:

  • I look at the body as a whole and treat all problems found using myofascial releases, movement therapy, strengthening and education. I feel that the more a patient knows about their body and how it works, the more successful the outcome.

Myofascial Release: 

  • traditional release techniques
  • craniosacral therapy
  • positional release
  • strain counterstrain
  • instrument assisted release


  • postural awareness and movement
  • gait analysis and training
  • balancing the physical body
  • awareness of the body through movement therapy 
  • nutrition as it relates to pain, healing and muscle development

Other Services:

  • kinesiotaping
  • sports medicine (25 years of experience in return to play)
  • specializing in helping patients who have not improved with traditional PT
  • orthotic fitting and casting
  • supplements from Garden of Life and Nordic Naturals
  • medicinal herbal teas and salves
  • Fall risk assessment and balance training




  • Physical Therapy - one on one - $70/hour

  • Physical Therapy - one on one - accepting Anthem BCBS, Medical Mutual, Medicare, Frontpath

  • Myofascial Bodywork - including Craniosacral Therapy, Positional Release and other forms - $70/hour

  • Kinesiotaping - $15/area (only charged if not currently a patient)

  • Orthotic Casting/Assessment - $120 for casting, gait assessment and preparation. You pay the lab for orthotics (typically $130 - $150) for a total of  around $270 - $300.

  • Movement Therapy Classes - $13/class or $65/6 class card

  • Senior Health Evaluation - $70 - waved if Physical Therapy is needed and booked

  • Herb Classes - priced per class