5:30 PM17:30

Movement Therapy Class

Now this is where I get lazy or busy or lazy and busy. What I am trying to say is if I don't post any more weeks after this because I forget, There probably is class - or a holiday. If there is a holiday, there won't be class. Otherwise, plan on coming for an enjoyable hour of movement to rebalance your body and reduce pain. I might even sneak some meditation in too. Wear loose clothing and bring a mat. $13/ class or $65/ 6 classes

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5:30 PM17:30

Movement Therapy Class

Look, you can admit it. You have aches and pains. You aren't getting any younger. Look someone has to tell you this. What happens even if you are trying to stay strong throughout your whole body is life. Just the fact that we have a hand dominance causes us to move one way more than others and then imbalances occur. See you tonight. Wear loose clothing and bring a mat. $13/ class or $65/ 6 classes

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5:30 PM17:30

Movement Therapy Class

Hi. Back for another week of Movement Therapy Class. What? you haven't been yet. You poor thing. Work out all that is cranky in your body with this gentle movement class to rebalance your body. Wear loose clothing and bring a mat. $13/ class or $65/ 6 classes

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5:30 PM17:30

Movement Therapy Class

Been running the kids around all summer with no time for your own poor body? The answer: rebalance your body by taking this class. Of course you and your friends are all welcome. Gentle movement but results are amazing in how you feel. Wear loose clothing and bring a mat. $13/ class or $65/ 6 classes

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5:30 PM17:30

Movement Therapy Class

Wow! After that past winter, we needed a summer that was relaxing and fun. But, what? You forgot to exercise (or it was too hot)? Fear not. We can help you rebalance that body after you played softball and did other things that you hadn't done for months - or years. Wear loose clothing and bring a mat. $13/ class or $65/ 6 classes

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5:30 PM17:30

Movement Therapy Class

Oh, Oh. Almost March. Time to start waking up from your winter hibernation. Gentle movement to help your body begin moving again. Don't worry, you will be so relaxed that you will go right back to sleep after. Bring a mat and wear loose clothing. $13/ class or $65 for 6 class pass.

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5:30 PM17:30

Movement Therapy Class

What happened to your New Year's Resolution? Did you stop due to all those aches and pain? This class takes on any aching and pain and works to rebalance your body (and your mind?) $13/class. 6 class card $65. Wear loose clothing and bring a mat if you have one.

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5:30 PM17:30

Movement Therapy Class

So, its been hot outside and you don't believe in that perspiration thing. Summer is time for taking it easy and sipping ice tea or mint julips. Well.....SUMMER IS OVER! Time to rebalance that body of yours and get ready for your busy fall schedule. This is the class for you! No perspiration and a lot of results! $13/visit or $65/ 6 visits.

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5:30 PM17:30

Movement Therapy Class

Don't want to sweat? No sweat! All your life you have been working toward an unbalanced body and you didn't even know it. Congrats! Your award for achieving this is aching and pain. Your body is trying to tell you that you need this class. Movement therapy to strengthen and balance your core and more. $13/class. 6 Class card for $65

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